Outside temp this morning in Leeds, UK was -2C @ 0800am, so the heat pump/air con was working hard to heat the inside of the house. These units are effective down to -15C, however efficiency starts to decrease the colder it gets. However the unit burns about 2kw of electricity when running at full whack but outputs 7kw of heat. About 350% more efficient. Compare this to a 2kw electric heater that burns 2kw and outputs 2kw of heat this is only 100% efficient! This video taken just as the unit went into defrost mode, notice the steam evaporating off the coil. The coil was thick with ice on the outside of it before entering defrost. Once the unit has defrosted the fan kicks back in and what looks to be loads of smoke billowing out the front is in actual fact steam from all the ice that has now melted. Any questions please ask.
Tags: Air, Con, Defrost, Mode, LG, Conditioning, Cold, Ice