Download: BLOG: HVAC SOFTWARE: HVAC/R BOOKS: SCRIBD: (View my qualifications as a HVAC expert) DOCSTOC: ( (YOU TUBE) SUBSCRIBE!NEW HVAC/R VIDS WILL BE POSTED SOON!!!) And yes no more stupid questions I am a EPA certified Hvac Tech. EPA TEST FOR REFIGERANTS-ANSWER KEY 2ND Edition Revised and Expanded (Over 300 Questions! 50 pages) COVERS ALL PARTS COVERS ALL PARTS My document covers over 300 questions that are guaranteed to come out in the actual exam. All parts are covered. The answers to the EPA TEST FOR REFRIGERANTS-ANSWER KEY are relevant to all EPA test questions. 2nd edition applies only to the revisions I made to the document to increase the size of the printing and nothing else(+a link to my site). PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT ON MY VIDEOS. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE FUTURE WEBSITE ARE ALSO WELCOME. Many of you are downloading and not saying thanks.WTF? EPA Section 608 Technician Certification Type I Certification -- Can only work on Small Appliance (5lbs or less of refrigerant) Type II Certification -- Can only work on Medium, High and Very-High Pressure Appliances. Type III Certification -- Can only work on Low-Pressure Appliances. Universal Certification -- Someone who possesses Type I, Type II and Type III Certifications The United ...
Keywords: educational, hvac/r, hvac technician, hvac technology, epa test, refrigerant test, universal certification, epa certification, applications, cascade systems, compressors, condensers, evaporators